― What is Pap Test?

Pap Test is the most effective method for testing and prevention of cervical cancer. Pap Test detects abnormal cells in the cervix long before they become cancerous.  The doctor collects cells from the cervix with a brush and sends the sample to the laboratory for assessment. More than 90% of Pap Tests are normal.

― What happens when the Pap Test is pathologic?

If your Pap Test is not normal, then your doctor may recommend an HPV Test. This test informs you whether you have been infected by an oncogenic (high risk) HPV type and, therefore, whether it is more likely to develop cervical cancer.  Even if cancerous cells are detected, early diagnosis and treatment may lead to cure.

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― Can Pap Test be improved?

Yes. The reason is the following: Simple slide smearing can be uneven and renders accurate assessment difficult. Studies have shown that the largest part of cell material (80%) is not smeared on the slide and it is discarded with the collection spatula or the brush 1. ThinPrep Pap Test method offers solutions to the conventional Pap Test limitations and constitutes a real improvement.

1 Hutchinson ML, et al. Homogeneous sampling accounts for the increased diagnostic accuracy using the ThinPrep® Processor, Am J Clin Pathol. 1994;101:215-19.

― Why ThinPrep Pap Test is different?

Cells are collected in the same manner, without additional discomfort.  Instead of directly smearing the slide, the doctor inserts the cells in a vial which contains a cell preservation solution.  Moreover, the slide is smeared automatically in a specialized system. This process ensures the collection of all cells from the sample (100%) and their correct preservation and smearing. Thin Prep Pap Test also allows multiple tests on the same sample without a repeat visit or collection.

Is there evidence that the Thin Prep Pap Test is more effective?

A large number of clinical studies conducted internationally have shown that Pap Test with the use of Thin Prep method offers more accurate results than the conventional vaginal smear. Thin Prep Pap Test constitutes the most sensitive method of prevention and diagnosis of cervical lesions.

― Why should I ask for Thin Prep Pap Test?

Thin Prep Pap Test is the first real improvement of Pap Test since this was introduced 60 years ago.  This advanced test reinforces your trust on the accuracy of the test. Gain the control of your body and ask your doctor for Thin Prep Pap Test today!

The information referred to for general information and informing the public and in any case can not replace a doctor or other suitably qualified health professional. The responsibility of the media carries by ENORASIS SA

1 Hutchinson ML, et al. Homogeneous sampling accounts for the increased diagnostic accuracy using the ThinPrep® Processor, Am J Clin Pathol. 1994;101:215-19.